Art Club : Exploring Still-Life Beauty
The Still-Life Art Club has been a haven for students eager to explore the...
Artist Inspiration: Picasso
Exploring Picasso's portrait style, is a fantastic way for grade 7 students to learn...
Grade 9E Concludes Career and Job Training
This May, the Grade 9E students embarked on an engaging and immersive...
IGCSE Exam... in grade 7?
Das Leben ist voller Ãœberraschungen und neuer Einsichten, auch das Leben an einer Schule. Dass man nach drei Jahren Deutsch schon das...
GESM Partnerships Towards A More Sustainable Future
As a school that values sustainability, GESM continues to find ways on how our students can contribute to...
Science in Real Context for Grade 10E
In the middle of one of the busiest times for Grade 10E, students...
Self Portraits by Grade 6E
Creating a self-portrait is a great way for Grade 6 students to express their creativity and explore their identity...
GESM Easter Send-Off
Celebration was in the air on Wednesday, April 5 -- it's the last school day before...
GESM hosts German members of parliament
GESM had the honor of hosting Mr. Michael Müller and Mr. Andreas Larem today on campus...
Big success with DSDI
Bayerische Volksmusik, über den sich selbst Karl Moik (bekannter österreichischer Volksmusiker) gefreut hätte, befassten...
Folk Art Exploration by 6E
The students were introduced to different styles of folk art from different parts of world, such as the...
Student Houses in Secondary mark Mother Language Day
To mark the UNESCO Mother Language Day, our Secondary students were...
BMUN: An Unforgettable Experience!
GESM’s Model United Nations Club were delighted to be a part of the 24th...
GESM Music clubs rock in red & black
Close to a hundred people crowded the space inside the German Club Manila...
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) visits GESM
On Thursday, February 9, the German European School Manila (GESM) had the honor of hosting Dr. Monica...
Students Spread Love on Valentine's Day
The GESM student reps together with their peers from LFM came up...
GESM Student Delivers Opening Speech for MUNA Academy 2023
For the second year running, the Rotary Club of Makati, alongside the De la Salle College...
Makati CBD for Grade 10 Geography: Finally!
On Thursday, February 16th, eight GESM students from Mr. Troyer’s Gr. 10 Edexcel...
Initial Impressions: A Logo Design Project by Grade 6E & 7E
Designing a logo can be a fun and rewarding exercise for people of all ages...
Exploration of Pop Artist Keith Haring
Keith Haring is a renowned pop artist known for his vibrant and dynamic style...
Speeches of the Student Representatives
This is the speech given by 4 students who represented GESM and...
30 & 60: Culminating Program of the Joint Celebrations
To mark the 60th Anniversary of the Élysée Treaty and the 30th Anniversary of Eurocampus...
A Night to Remember
Our secondary students had the unique chance recently to spend the night in school...
24-Hour Swimming Challenge raises hundreds of thousands in pledges!
6,644 -- This is the number of laps that students, teachers...