
New Teachers S.Y. 2022-23
GESM was once again reinforced with a fresh batch of new faculty members! Get to know them all...

Houses of Primary - Cheering Competition
We have finally officially opened the Houses of Primary....with a loud cheer! Now that they had the...

Making Decisions Together
Seit Anfang des Schlujahres tagt jede Woche Freitag der Klassenrat der Deutschen...

Let the Houses begin!
Let the Houses begin! This year's Houses is double the fun and excitement as both...

GESM Teachers Get Groovy
To loosen things up and get them going to start the school year, our teachers decided they'll do some dancing exercises on their first...

Einschulung: GESM 1st-graders get their welcome
Like with any other German school, GESM welcomed the new 1st-graders with a...

Summer Concert of German Primary
Endlich war es soweit! Nach wochenlangem Warten auf unser diesjähriges Sommerkonzert...

Light & Shadows with Grade 1D
Die 1 Klasse der DESM erforschte in den letzten Wochen das Phänomen...

Art & Music Festival at GESM!
Last June 21 to June 24, we held again our annual Arts and Music Festival after...

Off from school, on to the break!
Endlich ist es soweit – Ferien! Selbst nach diesem anstrengenden...

From Old to New: Upcycling Projects at the GESM
Am Montag, dem 27. Juni waren die Schultaschen der SchülerInnen mit ungewöhnlichem Arbeitsutensilien...

On your closets, get set, go!
Seit dem 23. Mai wurden fleißig Kleiderschränke durchforstet und gemäß dem Motto...

Going once, going twice... sold!
Zum Abschluss der diesjährigen Kunst- und Musiktage wurden die von Schüler*innen erstellten Arbeiten...

To Freedom Island and Back: GESM visits Wetland Park
GESM primary students from both German & International Sections paid a visit to the Las Piñas-Parañaque Wetland Park...

Sensory images by Klasse 2D
Die GESM Kinder der 2. Klasse beschäftigten sich intensiv mit ihren Sinnesorganen. Hier sind einige...

What's a bicycle doing inside the classroom?
Darüber waren auch die Schüler der 3. Klasse verwundert, als sie Morgens in den Raum kamen. In Der Projektstunde stellte sich dann heraus...

What is a hero, anyway?
Superman, Batman, Spiderman und Ironman: das sind die Helden, an die die Kinder...

We Are Back!
If it is about summing up this entire school year, there is not much else to say, but this one phrase...

On your closets, set, go!
Our German Section primary and secondary departments started a donation drive...

Creative German lessons with reading diaries
Die dritte Klasse der deutschen Grundschule hat in Deutsch von März bis April ein...

Collage of the Seasons
The children of the 1st grade of the German Primary...

Celebrating reading on World Book Day
Celebrate reading! Towards the end of April, a reading event took place at GESM...

Library reopens to students after 2 years!
After thorough research into the guidelines and safety protocols, including the...

Climate Protection - our small contribution
by Ute Massow and Anne Hamburger Ever heard of "Fridays for Future"? We are now also making our contribution to climate protection. On...