
Secondary Student Houses hold series of events
Our Secondary Student Houses prepared a full day for their peers on October 13, the second-to-the-last day...

An Exploration of Watercolour by Grade 11 Visual Arts Students
Students have explored watercolours during visual arts class. They have practiced...

Neue Lehrkräfte Schuljahr 2022/23
GESM was once again reinforced with a fresh batch of new faculty members! Get to know them all...

GESM hosts Savannah College of Arts and Design (SCAD)
GESM hosted its second University Visit on September 8 as we welcomed...

Unsere Lehrer haben sich locker gemacht
Um die Stimmung aufzulockern und sie auf das neue Schuljahr einzustimmen, haben unsere Lehrer an ihrem ersten Arbeitstag beschlossen,...

Swiss Education Group besucht die Deutsche Schule
GESM had the honor of hosting Ms. Pristine Tumakay, country...