Featured Student Work: "The Rebels"
This story - an impressive work shared by student Paige Garcia - is an 11-chapter short novel about a group of freedom fighters.
What is Christmas about?
Well, some of our 6th graders give us an answer.
Featured Student Work: "The Man in Black"
Here's a thought-provoking short story by one of our students, Stephanie Brown!
Exam Anxiety
For a lot of students mental health and exams go hand-in-hand. IB-2 student Andre Espina tells us more in this article.
Exam Tips
GESM 12th grader Zsaira Carane shares some exam tips!
Tips to help you study
Student Aadya Singh, 9-I shares what helps her study well. Click below and find out what tricks she has to share!
7 Ways to Prepare for your Exams
Student Stephanie Brown (6-I) writes about 7 ways to prepare for your exams.
How do you feel about online learning?
A student lets her voice be heard in this blog article.