German Primary welcomes new students
The Parents' Council's ANNUAL REPORT 2019/20
PYP Schoolers Move Up!
Eine Talentshow in der Vorschule wie nie zuvor | A Never-Before-Seen Preschool Talent Show
Grade 1 Family Trees
Early Years' Farewell: A Mixed Bag of Emotions
"Landeskunde": Meals, Maps & Memes
"Es ist vollbracht!" Abschiedsfeier des Kindergartens | German Kindergarten's Farewell Party
Die 5D-Schüler in Coronazeiten | The Grade 5D kids in the time of COVID-19
How Reading Books Helped My Son Enjoy the First Grade (Before and During Pandemic)
An Amazing Speech in Deutsch
PYP Exhibition 2019-2020
Kindergarten and Early Years' Student-Led Conference
"How to survive and not go crazy" and other Quarantine Ideas
9th Grader's Piano Recital
1st Graders Tackle Dinosaurs
IGCSE Students Perform Bach's "Air on the G-String"
"Meet & Greet" with Illustrator Írisz Agócs
Would-be 1st Graders create their own "Schultüte"
Wer sagt, dass wir nicht reisen dürfen? | Who says we can't travel?
Ein Brief an die Familie | A Letter to the Family
So this is the finish line
Students conduct notable interviews for PYP Exhibition
Hilarious Hybrid Animals