A Comprehensive Look Into the N-Corona Virus
To the Parents of our International Secondary Students
Deutschsprachige Ecke -- the German-Speaking Corner
Happy 100 Days of School!
A Visit to the Country's Surfing Capital -- La Union
GESM Opens Environment Awareness Week
Kinderfasching an der DESM
ECA Music School Midyear Recitals
"Meraki" -- A Visual Arts Exhibition
Earth, Fire, Wind and Water
Masungi Georeserve Visit -- a Great Success!
Eurolympics X Eurocampus Got Talent
A Look at the Kulturband -- the Student Council Elective
Students' reflections on study habits and techniques
Solo Guitar Recital
Meet the new members of our school community
ECA Music Recitals
End-of-term Ceremonies 2019-20
Auf der Suche nach Obst und Gemüse
Music Department Guitar Recitals
Schüleraustausch: GESM x SIS
Updates from the latest GEB meeting
Extended Essay, the scholarly journey begins...
Update: GESM Prom '20