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Grundschule (German Primary)

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Our German Primary comprises the first four grades of school in the German Section (Klasse 1 - 4).  At the end of the fourth grade, pupils move to the two-year orientation stage (Klasse 5 - 6) of the German secondary education (Mittelstufe).




As an "excellent German school abroad", we teach according to German pedagogical principles, following a German school curriculum.


The language of instruction is German, but families interested in enrolling children with little to no knowledge of the German language are accommodated with an immersion programme that is tailor-fit to suit the language and communication needs of any child. (Find out more about our immersion programme by sending an inquiry via the button above).


We are guided by German traditions of education. For that reason, not only books, computer programs and educational games come from Germany, but even our classroom furniture. Especially our traditional school festivals such as St. Martin, St. Nicholas or our traditional Easter egg hunt give our little ones the feeling of being at a school somewhere in Germany, makes Germans feel at home and gives others the exciting feeling of diving into a new and enticing culture.



A GESM student creating artwork for a class project using material sent from school..jpeg


"Projekt Unterricht"


A special feature of our school is our so called “Projekt Unterricht”. This takes place in six interdisciplinary topics per class, which connect the German science curriculum with the living conditions of our students.


Weekly planning allows individual and differentiated support of each individual child and educates them to work independently. English as an early foreign language is taught from the second grade on. A first playful encounter with the foreign language in songs and games will be expanded from the 3rd to systematic foreign language teaching at the German Gymnasium level.


A large sports area, a swimming pool and a sports hall offer the possibility of many sports and leisure activities in the so-called cultural band and the optional afternoon program. Joint events, excursions and learning arrangements with students from the international and French branches provide a truly European-international atmosphere at our school.



Veith-Alexander Böttcher

Head, Grundschule (German Primary)

Set an appointment via our admissions team and learn more about how we run our programmes in the Grundschule (German Primary).




German child-rearing practices place a high value on independence and responsibility. The same is true for our German Kindergarten where even non-German-speaking kids are welcome to attend.






Based on the official curriculum of Germany, our Mittelstufe or "German Middle School" is focused on competencies, providing a modern, holistic education, enriched by the educational principles most typical of Germany and Europe.




Click here to find out how our language learning programmes make us unique.


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German European School Manila

Eurocampus, 75 Swaziland Street

Better Living Subdivision

1711 Parañaque City, Philippines


Tel: +63-2-8776-1000



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