Library Services
The GESM Library is part of the Eurocampus Library Manila, one of the common areas used by both the German and French schools. Situated at the heart of the school, the Eurocampus Library Manila is visible and easily accessible. The shared collections are organized to enhance and support the educational experience of all students, providing materials and support in the various languages used in our Eurocampus community and constantly evolving to grow and address the needs of our curricula.
The GESM Library alone curates over 30,000 articles in its multimedia collection, providing a wide-range of reading genres for all ages for free. Kindergarten and Primary students have weekly visits to the Library and can quietly read their favorite books while comfortably nestled on pillows in the carpet area, or can begin to do research while seated at the Library tables. Middle school and High School students have autonomous access to the Library Extension for individual or group study and research. The Extension has eight (8) computers and an interactive screen, making it an ideal setting for research, creative digital tasks, and multimedia learning. During breaks, the creation of these zones give the students choices on how best to spend their time in the Library.​​​​​​
Access our Library Catalogue Online!
To receive your access details, send an email to your Librarian at lgamboa@gesm.org indicating the complete student name.

The GESM Library is open from Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., apart from GESM School Holidays.

Maria Karla Gamboa
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