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Liebe Eltern, liebe Schülerinnen und Schüler, liebe Lehrerinnen und Lehrer,


diese Woche ist Herr Christoph - Boris Frank an der Schule, um sich als Kandidat für meine Nachfolge als Schulleiter an der DESM vorzustellen. Er führt Gespräche mit Vertretern von allen Gremien und Gruppen der DESM, also von Lehrkräften, Koordinatoren/Abteilungsleitern, Eltern, Schulleitung und Vorstand. Am Ende dieser Woche werden der Vorstand und Herr Frank entscheiden, ob er mein Nachfolger werden wird.


Ansonsten fanden diese Woche die letzten Sitzungen von Gesamtelternbeirat sowie Gesamtlehrerkonferenz in diesem Schuljahr statt. Die Lehrkräfte befassten sich unter anderem mit der Planung des nächsten Schuljahres. Am Freitagabend feiern die Lehrkräfte von DESM Und LFM gemeinsam in der Schule die traditionelle „Frogs and Sausages Party“. 


Am Samstag klingt die Woche mit unserem Sommerfest aus, das um 13.00 Uhr mit der Siegerehrung für die Gewinner des Eurocampus-Schreibwettbewerbes „Goldene Feder“ beginnt. Neben verschiedenen Musikdarbietungen bekommen die Sieger des Mathematik-Wettbewerbes Känguru sowie des Vorlesewettbewerbes der Klasse 6 D ihre Urkunden und Preise. Das Ankündigungsposter und Programm des Sommerfestes finden Sie in diesem Rundbrief.


Die Information über die von Frau Huber betreute Kunstausstellung in der Lobby haben wir noch einmal in diesen Rundbrief aufgenommen. Dies gilt ebenso für die Einladung zur PYP-Ausstellung der Klasse 5 i.


Was findet nächste Woche statt ? Die letzte Vorstandssitzung, die Notenkonferenzen, verschiedene Klassenausflüge zum Schuljahresende sowie die Zeugnisausgabe am Freitag, dem letzten Schultag. Das Programm für den letzten Schultag in diesem Schuljahr finden Sie ebenfalls im Rundbrief. 


Außerdem finden Sie die Liste mit den Unterrichtsmaterialien für die verschiedenen Klassen im nächsten Schuljahr in diesem Rundbrief sowie Informationen zum Erwerb des diesjährigen Eurocampus-Jahrbuches, das sich zurzeit im Druck befindet. Beachten Sie bitte auch, dass am Montag, den 25.Juni keine Kulturbandangebote stattfinden werden.

Dear parents, dear students, dear teachers,


This week Mr. Christoph - Boris Frank visits school to introduce himself as candidate to become my successor as Head of School. He holds talks with representatives of all important stakeholder groups of GESM such as teachers, heads and coordinators, parents, school management and of course the Board of GESM. At the end of this week Mr. Frank and the Board will decide whether Mr. Frank will be my successor.


Furthermore this week we had the last monthly meeting of the GEB and the last Pedagogical General Conference. Among other matters the teachers discussed the planning of the next school year. Friday evening the teachers of GESM and LFM will have their traditional “Frogs and Sausages Party” at school. 


On Saturday with the Summerfest this week comes to an end. The Summerfest will begin at 1.00 pm with the awarding ceremony for the winners of the Eurocampus writing contest The Golden Feather. Alongside with various musical performances the winners of the Math contest Känguru and the reading competition of grade 6 D will receive their prices and certificates. The Summerfest poster and program you may find in this circular as well.


The information regarding the art exhibition in the Lobby supervised by Ms. Huber is shown again in this circular. The same applies for the invitation to the PYP exhibition of grade 5 i.


What´s on the agenda for next week ? We will have the last Board meeting of this school year, the grading conferences, various class trips as well as the handover of the report cards on Friday, our last school day. The program for the last day of school you will find as well in this circular. 


Furthermore there is the list of the specific class materials for all classes for the next school year and information on this year´s Eurocampus yearbook availability, orders and cost. At the moment the yearbook is being printed. Please take note that there is no Kulturband on Monday, June 25.



With kind regards,

Andreas Thiergen

Head of School






Please note that on Monday, June 25, there will be no Kulturband classes in the afternoon. This means that classes will end at 1:30 PM.


Kindly arrange your child's pick up on this time.





The yearbook will be distributed on the last day of school. As we do every year, each family will receive a free copy which will be available at the Accounting Office c/o Ms. Pearl.


Should you want to order an additional copy, please email to reserve one for your. Each yearbook is Php850. 




Fifth Graders invite the GESM Community to the PYP Exhibition

The 5th grade students cordially invite all members of the GESM Community to attend the 2018 Primary Years Programme (PYP) Exhibition on June 21, Friday from 9:30 – 11:00 am in the Grades 3 and 5 classrooms. The Exhibition represents a significant event in the life of a fifth-grade student. 

For this year's exhibition, students worked with the theme Where We Are in Place and Time and explored the following issues:


Group 1 - Industry, Infrastructure and Innovation

Members:  Madi, Max, Anja, Matisse

Mentor:  Ms. Rachel


Group 2 - Zero Hunger

Members:  Natalie, Kiros, Yam, Nadreen, Bosco

Mentor:  Mr. Vince


Group 3 - Health and Well-Being

Members:  Cleo, Kalev, Anyka, Ishaan

Mentor:  Ms. Jags


Group 4 - Gender Equality

Members:  Arya, Carlos S. Arnav, Thalia

Mentor:  Ms. Valerie


Group 5 - Clean and Affordable Energy

Members: Carlos G, Ryan, Zach

Mentor:  Mr. Rich


We are grateful to all the teachers who volunteered to be our mentors.  We wouldn’t have done it without you! Thank you!!!!!


We are looking forward to seeing you all at this event to support our 5th grade students and celebrate their learning.  

Book Market



Volkstanz: Bahay Kubo ............................................................................................... Klasse 5

Dance: Dilliwali Girlfriend .......................................................................................... Grade 4

Verleihung der Preise im Wettbewerb "Känguru"

Best Day of My Life ....................................................................................................... Grade 2

Nursery Rhyme Medley ............................................................................................ Grade 3

Synchronschwimmen .................................................................................................. Klasse 3

Beauty and the Beast .................................................................................................. Grade 1

Seasons of Love ............................................................................................................... Gr.ade 1

Verleihung der Preise im Vorlesewettbewerb ................................................ Klasse 6 

Gedicht: Der Zauberlehrling (Goethe) .............................................................. Grade 8



Rolling in the Deep (Adele) ...................................................................................... Klasse 7/8

Wonderwall (Oasis) ........................................................................................................ Klasse 7/8

Counting Stars ................................................................................................................... Klasse 4

Rooftops (Nico Santos) ................................................................................................ Klasse 6

Torete (Moira Dela Torre) ............................................................................................ Grade 6

Sweet Dreams (Eurythmics) .................................................................................... Klasse 9/10

Wave Your Flag (Knaan) ............................................................................................. Kl. 9/10


Art Exhibition

Räumlichkeit und Schrift

Ausstellung der Klasse 7D und 8D in der Lobby vom 18.-23. Juni zum Thema:

7D and 8D exhibit in the Lobby:

Perspective, Letters and Words


School Materials for Grades 1 through 12 - School-Year 2018/19


Schulmaterial für die Klassen 1 bis 12 im Schuljahr 2018/19


Below is the list of materials all students will need to bring with them on the first day of school. Many of these items can be bought from the school boutique if necessary.


Hier finden Sie eine Liste mit Schul- und Unterrichtsmaterial, das Ihre Kinder am ersten Schultag mitbringen müssen. Viele dieser Materialien können Sie auch in unserer Schulboutique erwerben.

For all students: International Section


  • Pencil case

  • 1 box of pencils

  • Eraser

  • Sharpener

  • Ruler

  • Scissors

  • Coloured pencils

  • Coloured pens

  • Crayons (not middle or secondary)

  • Water colours & paintbrush

  • Water flask/bottle


Grade 2 and older:

  • Blue black and red pen



Grade 4 and older:

  • Geometry set (including pair of compasses)

  • Calculator





Grades 9-10

  • Scientific calculator

Für alle Schüler: German Section


  • Federmäppchen

  • 2 Bleistifte

  • Radiergummi 

  • Spitzer

  •  Lineal

  •  Schere

  •  Klebestift

  •  Holzbuntstifte (verschiedene Farben)

  •  Wachsmalkreide (verschiedene Farben)

  •  Wasserfarbkasten mit Pinseln

  •  Trinkflasche


ab Klasse 2

  • Füller

  • Tintenpatronen


ab Klasse 4

  • Geometrieset

  • Zirkel


ab Klasse 7

  • Taschenrechner


Klasse 9-10

  • Wissenschaftlicher Taschenrechner

Grades 11-12

Graphing calculator -TI-84 Plus or TI-Nspire (non-CAS version)


All other additional school materials will be provided by the school and billed separately. This will include note books for Grades 1 through 10.


Alle weiteren Schulmaterialien wie z.B. Hefte, Mappen und Ähnliches werden von der Schule bereitgestellt und in Rechnung gestellt. Dies gilt auch für Hefte in den Klassen von 1 bis 10.



Last Day

Thank you!

We would like to thank the school community, most especially the students and parents, for your overwhelming support and confidence in the ECA Program. It has been a privilege to see our students develop skills and build character through sports and the arts.  Please be ensured that we are taking the necessary steps to further improve the ECA program.  



ECA Survey

With a goal to continuously improve the quality of our services, we have created an on-line satisfaction survey in order to get your opinion and prepare the Extra-Curricular Activities Program for the next school year.


The results of this survey will allow us to determine areas for improvement and to anticipate your expectations in order to meet your needs.

Please click the link below to the complete ECA survey.




ECA Coordinator’s Office – Christian Javier


Phone Numbers (02) 776-1000 (local 220)

Cellphone 0917-149-0842


Follow us:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn

German European School Manila

Eurocampus, 75 Swaziland Street

Better Living Subdivision

1711 Parañaque City, Philippines


Tel: +63-2-8776-1000



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