Gesamtelternbeirat (Parents' Advisory Council)
GEB is the abbreviation of the German word Gesamtelternbeirat which literally translates to "general parents’ council".
At the beginning of the school year, during the first Parents’ Evening, individual classes from Kindergarten to Grade 12 elect two parent representatives: the Chairman of the class and the Deputy Chair. These elected parents form the membership of the GEB.
During the first GEB meeting of the school year, the members elect among themselves the council's Chairman, Deputy or Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.
The GEB is an important link between the parents and the school. Its role is to further strengthen the relationship of parents and the school as well as to support the school in providing the best learning environment for the students. They provide an active platform for parents for suggestions, ideas and improvements and in turn communicate these views and interests to the school management and the German School Board, thus promoting collaboration within the school community.
The GEB holds monthly meetings to discuss and work out solutions for concerns and issues at hand. Issues usually discussed include pedagogical aspects, safety and security in the school, and the school bus transport system, among others.