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A day full of jumps and fun at the WiiJump Trampoline Park

by Esther Wittstock

Students from Grades 5D to 10D experienced a special excursion during the last week of school at the WiiJump Trampoline Park, which thrilled them with a variety of exciting attractions. The day began early with a communal breakfast at school, where each child brought something delicious. Energized and eagerly anticipating the day, they headed to the Venice Grand Canal Mall where the trampoline park awaited.

The WiiJump Trampoline Park offered not only classic trampolining but also thrilling challenges like a "Sticky Wall," where students tried to jump as high as possible and stick to a wall-like surface. Some of the younger children stuck so well to the Sticky Wall that they couldn't get down without help. For the older teens, it was an amusing sight as they attempted repeatedly to stick to the wall, only to fall off immediately due to the adhesive area not being sufficient for their size and body mass.

Another highlight was the "Falling Net," a gigantic net from which students could drop down from a tower. Like little beetles, they tumbled through the net to the ground. The demanding "Ninja Course," a course with various obstacles, challenged agility and speed. Additionally, the children and teenagers tested their strength and techniques on the climbing wall. The students also greatly enjoyed a small but exhilarating zip line, where they could zip from platform to platform at high speed with several people simultaneously.

In addition to the various attractions, many students showcased impressive jumping skills on the trampolines. From elegant somersaults to daring flips, numerous tricks were demonstrated, earning applause and admiration.

Teachers of grades 5 to 10 were impressed by the students' teamwork throughout the day. "It's wonderful to see how the students motivate and support each other. Such experiences not only strengthen camaraderie but also foster the personal development of each individual," said Ms. Hamburger, the school's physical education teacher.

After an eventful morning full of adventures and challenges, the students enjoyed a communal lunch in small groups at the mall. With radiant faces and many new memories, the GESM students returned early in the afternoon. The trip to the WiiJump Trampoline Park will surely be a topic of conversation for a long time and will be remembered as one of the highlights of the 2024 school year.


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