by Rene Reiter & Jennifer Abel
On October 2, the German European School Manila celebrated German Unity Day, a significant event in German history that commemorates the reunification of Germany in 1990. To properly honor this important day, the students of Grades 7 and 8 delved deeply into the lives of key figures who played central roles in the reunification, during both their art and history classes.
In art class, the students had the opportunity to engage creatively with the historical figures who contributed significantly to Germany's reunification. The focus was primarily on important politicians like Helmut Kohl, the then-Chancellor, Günter Schabowski, the spokesperson for the East German government, and Erich Honecker, the former Chairman of the State Council of the German Democratic Republic (GDR).
In history, the students researched the biographical backgrounds of these personalities and explored the political and social contexts of the time. This study not only enhanced their understanding of history but also helped them develop the ability to artistically interpret historical events.
After thoroughly studying the figures of reunification, the students were tasked with drawing portraits of these politicians. With great dedication and creativity, they produced impressive works that captured not only the appearance of the individuals but also their character and significance in German history.
Helmut Kohl was portrayed as a symbol of Germany's and Europe’s unification, while Günter Schabowski was highlighted for his crucial role in the opening of the Berlin Wall. Erich Honecker, on the other hand, was interpreted as a representative of East German politics, which ultimately led to the change. The students skillfully depicted the complex facets of these figures and their influence on the course of history.
The portraits were displayed at the school, inviting the entire school community to engage with the history of reunification. The students were proud to present their artwork and share their reflections on the significance of the reunification.
The engagement with the figures of reunification in art class fostered not only historical awareness but also the students' artistic expression. This project impressively demonstrated how art and history are intertwined and highlighted the importance of reflecting on one’s own past.