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From the GEB, on Distance Learning

Greetings from the GEB,

Well what a few weeks it has been! By now, we should all be somewhat settled in our “new normal” for the next month- staying home, working from home and most importantly- schooling at home! A big challenge indeed!

On that note- I can’t continue my message without sending a huge THANK YOU to all the Admin, teachers and support staff at GESM! This could not be happening without you and your dedication- the amount of hours planning, organising and testing would have been immensely daunting but you’ve done it! Our school is still running, albeit in a different environment than the norm. So again, from the GEB and all parents- thank you!!!!

In closing, I hope everyone is staying safe during this time. As the saying goes “this too shall pass” and we’ll all be back at GESM soon.

- Kimberly Hachey, Chair GEB 2019/2020

P.S. To make this article a little more fun during these trying times, we have asked parents to share their experiences over the last week of “distance education”- how is it truly going?


The Gesamtelternbeirat (Parents' Advisory Council) is an association of parents with the aim of bettering and maintaining good cooperation between parents and the school management. Throughout the year, the GEB represents the interests of parents in monthly meetings with school management and provides an active platform for all sorts of improvements, ideas, and suggestions.



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German European School Manila

Eurocampus, 75 Swaziland Street

Better Living Subdivision

1711 Parañaque City, Philippines

Tel: +63-2-8776-1000



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