18 June 2021
On the evening of June 11, the GESM honored its graduates of Class of 2021 -- the first batch of graduates to complete their concluding year in school completely off-campus! Congratulations to all!
The night also featured the finishers of the German section 10th grade for earning their Mittlerer Schulabschluss (German middle school-leaving certificates). Some of the night's highlights included the wonderful performance of the moderators (students Justin Almeida Uy, Marc Louis Rieger and Rasesh Barot), the moving speeches of the valedictorians and class representatives, and the heartwarming messages of the graduates' parents and teachers.
Before the online event on the 11th, the school's IBDP department organized a photoshoot and small separate ceremonies on campus for the IB graduates, as well as house calls so that Mr. Santanu Bhowmik -- Head of IBDP -- may himself personally hand them their diplomas, special GESM graduation sash and other awards.
Here are some snapshots of the event: