by Jeffrey Troyer
For the fourth year running, the Rotary Club of Makati hosted their Model United Nations Academy. Once again, GESM has stepped up to help make it a powerful pathway for local high school student empowerment. In association with the Philippine's Department of Education (DepEd), this initiative drew over 130 student-participants from Philippine high schools. The first of two online training sessions was conducted on Saturday, February 1 with the goal of orienting students to core principles and strategies for MUN Conferences and life skills in general.
The modules included topics such as the background/history of the UN and MUN, Research and Analysis, Writing Essentials, Committee Structure, Diplomacy and Negotiation as well as MUN Etiquette and Style. GESM Gr. 11 student, Epiphany (Annie), proudly continued the GESM tradition of module leader. All of this was to be carried over to a Day 2 simulation. Acclimating students to essential committees like HRC (Human Rights Committee), ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council) and UNSC (United Nations Security Council) were highlighted.
The greater purpose of the event was to provide a sounder foundation of knowledge for conferences such as BLUEMUN, to be held at Ateneo Senior High School on March 22 and 23. Our Model UN Club currently meets every Monday at 2:15 PM and welcomes new members!
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