by Rachel Silverio
These family trees were made by Grade 1 International students. Some even traced back to their great great great grandparents and one, all the way to their ancestor who sailed on the Mayflower! Looking back, knowing your family history, and relating to certain aspects of it are good ways to establish children's identity. This last unit for Grade 1 seemed so apt as the children had to stay quarantined with their family. What better way to spend that time than by learning about your family. Parents were asked to tell stories of their growing up years, changes that they've seen throughout their time, and how similar or different they are from their kids. When the kids recounted these stories, you could tell how much fun they were having learning about these stories and sharing them too.
As we ease into the GCQ and slowly and carefully return to our workplaces, may the time spent with family be one that is cherished and celebrated. Thank you Grade 1 students and parents for having me as your cover teacher. It was a pleasure and an honor. Enjoy your summer break! :)