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Secondary students select their speakers

Texts from Oskar Blackert (8D) & Jacob van Olffen (8E)

Congratulations to Oskar Blackert & Jacob van Olffen who were selected by their peers as students speakers of their respective sections!

This school year, each section of GESM in the secondary level has its own student speaker selected by their peers among the class representatives from each grade level. These students are expected to work with the Student Council hand-in-hand and act as an intermediary between school management & teachers, and the student body that they represent.

Jacob & Oskar, both of whom are eight-graders from their respective sections, were asked to talk about why they stood for election, their outlook about their roles and what they think of the new student representation system:

Jacob van Olffen

"I believe that to represent someone or something, you must know that thing [well] and I believed that since I have a small collective of friends within every grade, I was a better fit than anyone else who volunteered. I hope to be able to slowly roll out changes that will be for the better, in collaboration with the greater student council, as they're the ones who shall directly address problems and think of solutions and I [would be] the bridge between them and the school management."

Oskar Blackert

"Ich habe mich dazu entschlossen zu kandidieren, weil ich gesehen habe, dass es Bereiche gibt, die man verbessern kann. Das versuche ich nun zu ändern. Das wird eine große Herausforderung sein, aber ich werde mein Bestes geben, um die Herausforderung zu stellen. Ich glaube, dass ich in der Schulgemeinschaft einiges verbessern kann. Ich finde auch, dass es eine gute Idee ist, eine/n Schulsprecher/in für jede Abteilung zu haben, denn ein/e Schüler/Schülerin aus der Abteilung versteht seine/ihre MitschülerInnen besser." ("I decided to run because I saw that there are areas that can be improved. I am now trying to change that [for the better]. It will be a big challenge, but I will do my best to meet the challenge. I believe that I can improve some things in the school community. I also think it's a good idea to have a student representative for each department because a student from the department understands his/her classmates better.")




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German European School Manila

Eurocampus, 75 Swaziland Street

Better Living Subdivision

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