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The PYP Exhibition 2024 Has Begun!

by Lawrence Buck

In the final year of the PYP, our Grade 5 students will undertake an extended, in-depth, collaborative or individual project known as the PYP exhibition.   In fact, these past few weeks, Grade 5E started the process of finding answers to global issues that they are keen to know the most under the overarching central idea  "People can make choices to support the sustainability of the earth's resources."   


We started by identifying our topics of interest, then started grouping together to form their collaborative Teams.  They will be working closely together to conduct in-depth inquiries into their choice of real life issues or problems.  After our series of discussions and brainstorming, the groups then were assigned a Mentor who is also one of the faculty in our school.  Together with me as their Homeroom teacher, Ms. Patrimonio (our G5E Asst. Teacher), Ms. Viola as our PYP Coordinator and their Mentors, we will be guiding them as they conduct their interviews, share surveys, analyze data and present to our school community.   They will collectively inquire, gather evidence and synthesise all the essential elements of the PYP in ways that can be shared with the whole school community.


The PYP exhibition will provide us with a powerful and authentic process for assessing student understanding.  The exhibition represents a unique and significant opportunity for students to exhibit the attributes of the IB learner profile and apply the ATL skills such as thinking, research, social, communication and self-management skills.  This will also be an opportunity for the whole school community to celebrate the transition of our Grade 5 students to the next phase of their learning journey - Middle School.


Please join us on May 22nd in our school auditorium as the children present their discoveries regarding Clean and Affordable Energy, Animal Cruelty, The Ocean, Deforestation and Endangered Species.  For details about the PYP Exhibition, you may view our Parent and Student Guide here.



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German European School Manila

Eurocampus, 75 Swaziland Street

Better Living Subdivision

1711 Parañaque City, Philippines

Tel: +63-2-8776-1000



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