by Asha Celis

After lengthy hours of planning from school to our own homes, the Tropical Night Soiree has finally come to an end; a successful one at that. There were many challenges in the planning of this event that Kai Mehta, Nelson Celis III, and I, the organizers of this CAS Project had to face. From looking for charity, to negotiating with venues, asking for help from fellow CAS students, going through the right channels to permit this and that, learning to compromise, and what seemed like the hardest part of it all— selling tickets!
Thankfully despite all our most worrying concerns, sales skyrocketed exactly as our most kind and capable advisers, of whom none of this would have been possible, Ms. Grisela Marti and Ms. Sunshine Ferrandon had unwaveringly believed and predicted from the beginning.
The event was honored by a speech from the headmaster himself, Mr. Boris Frank, followed by the GESM Band to kick-start all performances from primary up to secondary from both the International and German sections, and even to the pedagogical side all filling the stage, proudly playing and dancing to the songs they all worked so hard to perform! Each set of performances were followed by the most enticing raffle prizes brought to us by generous parents of the GESM Community, Ms. Ana Corona, Ms. Imee Härle, and Ms. Jenn Grünewald.
Then ending with the same cliché that everyone’s loved and enjoyed since the first Soiree: The open mic session. Parents and students alike made sure to keep the stage warm and continued to drum and sing their hearts out to live music and backing tracks of their choice.
The Soiree’s great success is a product of outstanding commitment from students, unwavering support from teachers, and parents, allowing more than 50,000 pesos to be donated in kind to the Care for Children Foundation. We CAS Project Organizers, Asha Celis, Kai Mehta, and Nelson Celis III, could not be more grateful for all the gracious help and support this Soiree has received!