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Updates from the GEB Meeting (6.3.2020)

from the GEB, the Parents' Advisory Council

The GEB (Gesamtelternbeirat) or the GESM Parents’ Advisory Council got together last March 4, 2020 for their monthly meeting. A review of the past month was made as well as a lengthy discussion about the school’s response and actions taken towards the COVID-19.

The School Administrator Herr Volker Ross was also present during the meeting. He was able to address the issues presented to him by the GEB.

Some of the discussion points are as follows:

  • Updates regarding the school shirt (uniform) stocks and compliance by the students

  • Updates as to the ongoing repairs and planned construction of facilities in the campus

  • Installation of GPS on the school buses

  • Preparation being undertaken by the school in the event of a school closure due to the COVID-19, and

  • Project proposal by the GEB (funds to be used are from the proceeds of the Luckydraw during Christmasfest 2019)

Should you want to know more details on the topics we have discussed or have comments, suggestions or anything you believe that the GEB is the proper forum to address them, kindly contact your class parent representative.



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German European School Manila

Eurocampus, 75 Swaziland Street

Better Living Subdivision

1711 Parañaque City, Philippines

Tel: +63-2-8776-1000



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